Seeking the Road to Recovery: What’s New for Monk Seals in 2019

Waikiki Aquarium will be hosting a seminar on Thursday, March 21st for International Day of the Seal (March 22, 2019), a day to celebrate and promote the conservation of seals around the world.

In 2017 you joined us for the Year of the Monk Seal, celebrating the exciting news that, after decades of decline, the endangered Hawaiian monk seal population finally increased over the course of several years. So how has Hawaii’s native seal fared since then? Angela Amlin, Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery Coordinator for NOAA Fisheries, will share updates on current population numbers, details on a record setting year for main Hawaiian island pups, and what’s new in the world of monk seal conservation.

Photo credit: Sullivan (NOAA Fisheries permit 18786)