This year’s Mauka to Makai Environmental Expo features a BIG change! On October 24, Mauka to Makai is VIRTUAL for the first time in its 13 year history. Hosted by the City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Facility Maintenance and the Hawaii State Department of Health, Mauka to Makai features keiki activities, educational videos and more.
This FREE, family-friendly virtual event will promote the importance of keeping Hawaii clean and free of pollution, from the mountaintops to the Ocean.
The Marine Viral Ecology Laboratories (MarVELs) created a video that contains a mini-lesson on virus biology and a small experiment that students can do at home. It’s aimed at middle schoolers and their families.
Learn more about little fire ants
Learn how to collect and submit your ants
Watch an interactive webinar about invasive species and little fire ants here
Learn more about how you can volunteer with DLNR’s Division of State Parks.
Oʻahu State Parks
Long-term Volunteer Application
Field Trip Request Form
Lyon Arboreum will teach you how to make newspaper pots.
Enjoy a variety of keiki activities and guides from the Department of Aquatic Resources.
DAR Education Webpage
Division of Aquatic Resources Keiki Angler Guide (Grade K-4)
Division of Aquatic Resources Fishing in Hawaii : A Student Manual (Grade 5-Adult)
Papahānaumokuākea educational resources for kids
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine National Marine Sanctuary Kids Corner
Download Understanding Marine Debris: Games and Activities for Kids of All Ages
NOAA Careers in the Pacific
Dorsal fin coloring activity
Hawaiian Weather and Cloud Chart
Hurricanes at Home!
Following ‘Ō’io: The Life of Hawaiian Bonefishes
Following ‘Ō’io Habitat Activity
Seafood Stories of the Pacific
The 3 I’o Brothers and the Big Bad Hurricane
Weather Ready Nation presents: The Young Meteorologist Program
Minutes Matter: Nature’s Warning Signs for Tsunami
Tsunami Animations
Join the campaign to make a difference to the bay! Become a part of Malama Maunalua’s C.P.R. Program to cherish, protect and restore the ahupua’a of Maunalua Bay.
Video by Smithsonian Institute about coral featuring Mary Hagedorn, researcher affiliated with the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB). Though this video talks about coral from the Caribbean, all the techniques were developed in Hawaii in Hawaiian coral at HIMB.
Lost Cities is an interactive web documentary
The Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology collaborated on a project called “Lost Cities“, which resulted in an interactive web documentary for both kids and adults with a lot of educational content and beautiful underwater shootings. It features the late Ruth Gates, renown coral researcher and former director or HIMB, as a voice guide throughout the whole documentary. It has been very successful and has won several awards recently (e.g. the International Wildlife Film Festival 2020 award).
Sea Earth Atmosphere (SEA), Hawai’i based online marine science curriculum
Hawai’i based online marine science curriculum with Hawaii Sea Grant for grades 3-5 called Sea Earth Atmosphere (SEA). All of the activities are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards and Ocean Literacy Principles and are designed to be low cost and accessible from anywhere.
Voice of the Sea, locally-produced television program.
(A project of the University of Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program and the College of Education Curriculum Research & Development Group)
Voice of the Sea travels throughout Hawaiʻi and the Pacific meeting researchers, scientists and cultural practitioners. Episodes highlight ocean research and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)—covering topics from reef fish migration, to native birds, to nutrient cycles, to unusual deep-sea creatures. Watch to learn about current science research, its importance to you, and the ways in which traditional knowledge can inform science and management practices!
VOS Science @ Home Ideas
VOS has put together family discussion ideas that pair with episodes scheduled for TV broadcast on Saturdays and Sundays in Hawaiʻi.
Join Storm Water Hawaii’s Storm Patrol team and take part in fun keiki activities and learn more about what you can do to protect our water.
Join us, along with the the Hawaii Wildlife Center, as we help native seabirds down the road of rehabilitation and release!
Honolulu Zoo Society Youtube
Zoo Niele
Hawaii Natural History
The Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s (HDOA) 240 employees statewide work to support, enhance, promote, and protect Hawaii’s agriculture and aquaculture industries. We work to create and maximize opportunities for exporting; and facilitate growth of existing and new agricultural commodities and by-products. In addition, the department works to prevent the introduction and establishment of plants, animals and diseases that are detrimental to the state’s agriculture industry and the environment.
Learn more about the award-winning Hanauma Bay Education Program administered by the University of Hawaiʻi Sea Grant College Program. Approximately 800,000 annual visitors to Hanauma Bay are educated on the value of marine resources and reef etiquette. A strong team of volunteer docents make this significant education accomplishment possible. The Hanauma Bay Education Program also educates visiting schools and hosts marine and conservation related evening presentations for the public
Learn about the Hawaiian place names of Hanauma. Learning about cultural and natural history in the naming of locations helps our community to better understand valued places of the islands and malāma or care for our precious ʻāina.
Nā wahi pana o Hanauma
Naming of Places in Hanauma
Go on a virtual swim through Hanauma Bay with our marine life videos sharing facts about sea creatures living in Hanauma Bay.
Download a fish calendar and pay attention to the natural cycles of fish traditionally observed by Hawaiians.
Attend our Hanauma Talks online seminar series. Each week we connect with leading researchers, environmental leaders, natural resource managers, or cultural practitioners of Hawaiʻi to talk about their work. You can also tune in to our YouTube channel to watch past presentations.
Participate with your school in a virtual visit to Hanauma Bay.
The Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium is so excited to collaborate with Susan Scott, locally renowned writer of marine-related organisms and topics. For decades, Susan’s Ocean Watch articles were a weekly feature in the Honolulu Advertiser/Star Bulletin. She now has her own blog and is allowing us to feature her articles on our website!
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