Unmask Your Inner Art Aficionado
In this time of crisis, many people have turned to art for self reflection, expression, and connection. Let us celebrate the power of art. It is time to unmask your inner art aficionado! Mahalo to all of the generous local artists who donated these pieces to the Aquarium during this time. All proceeds go directly to the Waikiki Aquarium and help us continue our mission to inspire and promote understanding, appreciation, and conservation of Pacific marine life.
If you are interested in purchasing, please contact mhiller@hawaii.edu. All purchases must be picked up at the Waikiki Aquarium.
Luxury Plumeria Collection Floating Plumerias. Plaster of Paris, Silk, Adorned With Genuine Natural Yellow Sapphires in a White Shadow Box by Robin Appasamy. This piece was specially created for the Waikiki Aquarium. 18” x 24” www.robinappasamy.com
Sale Price: $2400
SOLD Gifted by a private donor, this ceramic piece is by Yukio Ozaki. In 1994, Ozaki was named a Living Treasure of Hawaii. His work is shown in Taipei, Tokyo, Metropolitan Museum, and Honolulu Museum of Art. Height: 11″, Circumference: 38″
Sale Price: $950
SOLD Hawaiian Dreams, an original piece by Sharon Jeffers, was specially created for the Waikiki Aquarium. The colors of Hawaii with deep golds and blues. 20″x20″ Acrylic on Canvas. www.sharonjeffers.com
Sale Price: $300
SOLD Honu Kisses Gicle’e of an oil painting by Patrick Ching. Patrick Ching, a native of Hawaiʻi, is a world-class nature artist whose work is recognized for its meticulous detail. His work is researched thoroughly for historic and anatomical accuracy. Koa framed. H: 11”, W: 14” www.patrickchingart.com
Sale Price: $300
SOLD Gary Yee, a friend of the Waikiki Aquarium, has been refining his craftsman skills to create thin ceramic pieces. This piece is a part of the Firebomb Series, a series featured in the Hawai’i Craftsman 2020 Statewide Exhibition. Yee specially created this piece for the Aquarium. Height: 4”, Diameter: 10”
Sale Price: $200
Gary Yee, a friend of the Waikiki Aquarium, has been refining his craftsman skills to create thin ceramic pieces. This piece is a part of the Firebomb Series, a series featured in the Hawai’i Craftsman 2020 Statewide Exhibition. Yee specially created this piece for the Aquarium. Height: 3.5”, Diameter: 9”
Sale Price: $150
SOLD Gary Yee, a friend of the Waikiki Aquarium, has been refining his craftsman skills to create ceramic pieces. This piece is a part of the Firebomb Series, a series featured in the Hawai’i Craftsman 2020 Statewide Exhibition. Yee specially created this piece for the Aquarium.
Sale Price: $60
This original framed watercolor piece is by Nancy Taylor. Nancy is a Signature Member of the Hawaii Watercolor Society and has won the HWS Workshop Award and State Foundation and the Arts Recognition Award. Framed H:11”, W:7” www.ntaylorart.com
Sale Price: $250
Palau Islands limited edition print by Margo Vitarelli. H: 15”, W:12” Sale Price: $85
SOLD E Mālami i Ka Uhu Protect and Care for the Precious Parrotfish. Limited Edition 6/9 Screen Print by Margo Vitarelli H: 15”, W: 20” Sale Price: $175
SOLD Honu Wood Burned Honu Sign by Claire Paul. Claire Paul is the Technical Director of Chaminade’s Theatre. Claire specially created this piece and donated to the Waikiki Aquarium
Instagram @theblondewhocrafts
Sale Price: $60
SOLD Starfish by Claire Paul. Claire Paul is the Technical Director of Chaminade’s Theatre. Claire specially created this piece and donated to the Waikiki Aquarium
Sale Price: $50
For the first 200 people, if you donate $25.00 or more from now until December 31, you will receive a CoralWear Clothing Hawai’i Exclusive Everyday Mask. *styles will vary and masks will be shipped after 12/31* Make an electronic donation to the Waikiki Aquarium via the UH Foundation. *If shipping address differs from billing address on donation, please email it to volunteer@waquarium.org*