
In partnership with NOAA National Marine Sanctuary, the Waikīkī Aquarium celebrates the Hawaiian New Year and season, Makahiki, with a short procession of Akua Paani (God Over Games) with Umi Kai followed by a series of Hawaiian games including  Ulumaika (stone bowling), Moa Pahe‘e (dart slide), Pa Uma (wrist wrestling), Hakaka a Moa (type of lua using feet, legs, shoulders, head), Konane (checkers), and Ihe (throwing spears). Guests should arrive at 10:00 a.m. for a briefing of Makahiki and responsibilities. The Waikiki Aquarium hosts Makahiki each year, where kids can participate in traditional Polynesian games and activities.

Event Program
  • Premieres November 5th
  • Pa’ani (games) with Umi Kai of Pa Kai A Lua.
See demonstrations and learn about
  • Ulumaika (stone bowling), Moa pahe’e (dart slide), Kulakula’i (chest slapping), Hakaka a moa (type of lua using  feet, legs, shoulders, head), Pa Uma (wrist wrestling), Honuhonu (sitting game) and Konane (checkers)