Na Waiwai O Kanaloa
Waikiki Aquarium in partnership with NOAA’s Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary hosts a Makahiki presentation by Umi Kai.
Gordon ‘Umialiloalahanauokalakaua Kai (“Umi”) started crafting Hawaiian implements in 1967 in high school and continues today. He fashions implements for fishing, kapa making, poi pounding, hula, farming, and he is best known for his traditional weaponry. Umi Kai shares his knowledge and experiences with people locally and internationally, and he makes presentations regularly at schools, hotels, and organizations.
Umi Kai has conducted and participated in traditional Makahiki protocol and images for over 25 years for Queen Liliuokalani Trust, Pa Ku’i a Lua, Hale Mua o Kealii, Waikiki Aqurium, Bishop Museum and more.He has worked on projects for Bishop Museum, Peabody Museum, Cook Museum, Hula Museum in Japan and many private collectors of Hawaiian artifacts.
Currently Umi Kai is President of Aha Kane; Olohe Lua of Pa Kui A Lua; Kupuna of Hale Mua o Kualii; Member of Na Lehua Kumakua.
Awards: Ho’okahiko Award from Dukes 2019, Na Mamo Makamae o ka Po’e Hawai’I ( Living Treasure of the Hawaiian People) Awardee 2019, Living Treasure 2018 by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai’i, MAMo Awardee 2017 by the PA’I Foundation, Educator of the Year 2016 by Native Hawaiian Education Association, Fellowship Award 2015 by Native Arts and Culture Foundation, Masters Program 1998 by Hawai’i State Culture and the Arts
Umi and his wife Janice are part of a small group of Native Hawaiian artists trying to perpetuate the craft of making tools and weapons that were once essential to survival.
For questions on the presentation please visit kaikompany.com